Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard
Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard
What is the Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard?
The Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard grants Purdue University in Indianapolis students and employees access to the following shared services provided by Indiana University:
Meal Plans
Secure entry into campus buildings, residence halls, offices, and recreational facilities
Make purchases
And more!
Purdue University in Indianapolis Students
New Students Attending Early Start Indianapolis
Students attending Early Start Indianapolis will have their Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard distributed by Purdue Staff during check-in.
Step 1 - Locate your 10-digit Indiana University ID number in your myPurdue portal and create your Indiana University computing account.
Log into the myPurdue portal. Your 10-digit Indiana University ID number is visible on the Purdue Indianapolis Info card. If the card is not visible, click 'Discover More' or select 'Discover' from the menu and search Purdue Indianapolis.
** Important Note: Since the information must propagate through IU systems it may take up to 24 hours before you can log into some services after creating your computing account.
Step 2 – Prepare your CrimsonCard photo and ID verification documentation.
Say Cheese! - Take or find a headshot picture that meets the CrimsonCard photo requirements for your CrimsonCard. The photo should resemble your driver's license or state ID photo.
Verifying you’re You - Take a photo of your valid government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, military ID, state ID, or school ID). Redact any sensitive information you prefer, but we must be able to see your photo, name, date of birth, and expiration date. Your saved file should be in jpg format and not exceed 1.5 MB.
Step 3 – Once your IU account is created and ready to use submit a new card request through your IU CrimsonCard account. Use your IU username and passphrase to log in and fill in the required fields as detailed below on the ‘Get a New Card’ page.
‘How do you want to receive your new CrimsonCard?’ select Pick up
‘Reason’ select New Purdue in Indianapolis Student or Employee
‘Pickup Location’ select IU Indianapolis – Campus Center (CE) 205
Step 4 - Upload your photo for your CrimsonCard
Check the 'Provide your photo' box and click 'Browse'.
Find and select the headshot photo you want printed on your CrimsonCard. Once selected, make any wanted adjustments to your photo’s zoom or orientation in the preview displayed.
Check the ‘I acknowledge that my photo meets ALL the photo requirements’ box to confirm it meets CrimsonCard photo requirements.
Step 5 - Upload your photo of your ID verification documentation
Select ‘Browse’ to find and upload your redacted identification document. Reminder that we must be able to see your photo, name, date of birth, and expiration date.
Click ‘Submit’.
An email will be sent to your Indiana University email once your photo has been reviewed informing you that your photo and documentation was either approved or denied.
If approved, your CrimsonCard will be printed and distributed to you by Purdue Staff during Early Start Indianapolis check-in.
If denied, resubmit a photo and verification documentation that meets the requirements.
New Students Attending Boiler Gold Rush (BGR)
Students attending Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) or Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) that met the photo upload deadline listed in Orientation Programs communications will have their Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard distributed by Purdue Staff during check-in:
Students living in on-campus housing through University Residences (North Hall or Lux on Capitol) will receive their affiliate CrimsonCard during their residence check-in.
Students not living in on-campus housing through University Residences will receive their affiliate CrimsonCard at BGR central check-in.
Students attending Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) or Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) that did not meet the photo upload deadline listed in Orientation Programs communications should still follow instructions below, but will need to visit the CrimsonCard office to obtain their Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard.
Step 1 - Locate your 10-digit Indiana University ID number in your myPurdue portal and create your Indiana University computing account.
Log into the myPurdue portal. Your 10-digit Indiana University ID number is visible on the Purdue Indianapolis Info card. If the card is not visible, click 'Discover More' or select 'Discover' from the menu and search Purdue Indianapolis.
** Important Note: Since the information must propagate through IU systems it may take up to 24 hours before you can log into some services after creating your computing account.
Step 2 – Prepare your CrimsonCard photo and ID verification documentation.
Say Cheese! - Take or find a headshot picture that meets the CrimsonCard photo requirements for your affiliate CrimsonCard. The photo should resemble your driver's license or state ID photo.
Verifying you’re You - Take a photo of your valid government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, military ID, state ID, or school ID). Redact any sensitive information you prefer, but we must be able to see your photo, name, and expiration date (if present). Your saved file should be in jpg or jpeg format and not exceed 1.5 MB.
Step 3 – Once your IU account is created and ready to use submit a new card request through your IU CrimsonCard account. Use your IU username and passphrase to log in and fill in the required fields as detailed below on the ‘Get a New Card’ page.
‘How do you want to receive your new CrimsonCard?’ select Pick up
‘Reason’ select New Purdue in Indianapolis Student or Employee
‘Pickup Location’ select Purdue University in Indianapolis – Boiler Gold Rush (BGR)
Step 4 – Upload your photo for your CrimsonCard.
On the same page, check the 'Provide your photo' box and click 'Browse'.
Find and select the headshot photo you want printed on your CrimsonCard. Once selected, make any wanted adjustments to your photo’s zoom or orientation in the preview displayed.
Check the ‘I acknowledge that my photo meets ALL the photo requirements’ box to confirm it meets CrimsonCard photo requirements.
Step 5 – Upload your photo of your ID verification document
Select ‘Browse’ to find and upload your redacted identification document. Reminder that we must be able to see your photo, name, date of birth, and expiration date.
Click ‘Submit’.
An email will be sent to your Indiana University email once your photo has been reviewed informing you that your photo and documentation was either approved or denied.
If approved your CrimsonCard will be printed and distributed to you by Purdue staff during your Boiler Gold Rush check-in if you met the upload deadline listed in Orientation Programs communications. If you did not meet the deadline, your card will be available for pick up in the CrimsonCard office.
If denied, resubmit a photo and verification documentation that meets the requirements.
If you choose not to resubmit a photo and documentation, you can have your picture taken in the CrimsonCard office during BGR/BGRi. Your card will be printed and given to you at that time. Remember to bring a photo ID.
**Important Note: During the summer months of June, July, and August the CrimsonCard office will experience elevated in-person traffic due to IU New Student Orientation. Please be prepared for longer than normal waiting times when visiting our office during these months.
New Students not attending Boiler Gold Rush (BGR)
You must be registered as a Purdue University in Indianapolis student to upload your photo and receive a Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard.
Step 1 - Locate your 10-digit Indiana University ID number in your myPurdue portal and create your Indiana University computing account.
Log into the myPurdue portal. Your 10-digit Indiana University ID number is visible on the Purdue Indianapolis Info card. If the card is not visible, click 'Discover More' or select 'Discover' from the menu and search Purdue Indianapolis.
** Important Note: Since the information must propagate through IU systems it may take up to 24 hours before you can log into some services after creating your computing account.
Step 2 – Prepare your CrimsonCard photo and ID verification documentation.
Say Cheese! - Take or find a headshot picture that meets the CrimsonCard photo requirements for your CrimsonCard. The photo should resemble your driver's license or state ID photo.
Verifying you’re You - Take a photo of your valid government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, military ID, state ID, or school ID). Redact any sensitive information you prefer, but we must be able to see your photo, name, date of birth, and expiration date. Your saved file should be in jpg format and not exceed 1.5 MB.
Step 3 – Once your IU account is created and ready to use submit a new card request through your IU CrimsonCard account. Use your IU username and passphrase to log in and fill in the required fields as detailed below on the ‘Get a New Card’ page.
‘How do you want to receive your new CrimsonCard?’
Select Pick Up if you’d like to pick up your new affiliate card at the CrimsonCard office.
Select Mail if you’d like to receive your new affiliate card in the mail.
‘Reason’ select New Purdue in Indianapolis Student or Employee.
Provide additional information based on your choice regarding how to receive your card:
If you chose Pick Up, in the ‘Pickup Location’ select IU Indianapolis – Campus Center (CE) 205.
If you chose Mail, complete the fields to provide your mailing address.
Step 4 - Upload your photo for your CrimsonCard
Check the 'Provide your photo' box and click 'Browse'.
Find and select the headshot photo you want printed on your CrimsonCard. Once selected, make any wanted adjustments to your photo’s zoom or orientation in the preview displayed.
Check the ‘I acknowledge that my photo meets ALL the photo requirements’ box to confirm it meets CrimsonCard photo requirements.
Step 5 - Upload your photo of your ID verification documentation
Select ‘Browse’ to find and upload your redacted identification document. Reminder that we must be able to see your photo, name, date of birth, and expiration date.
Click ‘Submit’.
An email will be sent to your Indiana University email once your photo has been reviewed informing you that your photo and documentation was either approved or denied.
If approved, your CrimsonCard will be printed and distributed to you via the method you chose.
If denied, resubmit a photo and verification documentation that meets the requirements.
If you choose not to resubmit a photo and documentation, you can have your picture taken in the CrimsonCard office, Your card will be printed and given to you at that time. Remember to bring a photo ID.
**Important Note: During the summer months of June, July, and August the CrimsonCard office will experience elevated in-person traffic due to IU New Student Orientation. Please be prepared for longer than normal waiting times when visiting our office during these months.
It is strongly recommended that you upload your own photo and verification documentation for the following reasons:
Submitting your own photo ensures you are satisfied with your photo. If we take your photo in the office, we are not able to show you the photo before printing your card.
Our office get busy during move-in and the start of the semester. You can avoid the lines if you choose to have your card mailed to you (if eligible).
Even if you choose ‘Pick up’, submitting your photo online can expedite the process of getting your card in the office.
If you have issues with the photo upload process see “I’m having difficulty uploading my photo and verification documentation. What should I do?”
If you are having difficulty uploading your photo and/or verification documentation, try these troubleshooting tips:
Try using a different web browser or device to complete the submission process.
Ensure that the image you’re uploading does not exceed 1.5 MB in size. If necessary, edit your photo to make it smaller (crop it or adjust the resolution/quality).
If you already have a current CrimsonCard, you are not required to get another one. Your CrimsonCard is valid for 6 years from the day it was printed.
If your CrimsonCard has a different campus printed on it, it will still work! If you would like to update it, visit the CrimsonCard office when convenient and bring your current CrimsonCard. An updated card will be printed and given to you at that time.
How do I get a replacement CrimsonCard?
Your CrimsonCard can easily be replaced at any campus CrimsonCard office. if it is lost, stolen, damaged, expired, or your name or department has changed. A new photo will be taken any time you replace or renew your CrimsonCard.
Accepted forms of payment include credit/debit card, Apple or Google pay. Bursar billing is not available for Purdue in Indianapolis students.
Students Attending Early Start Indianapolis
Students attending Early Start Indianapolis will have their Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard distributed by Purdue Staff during check-in.
Mail out is not available to students attending Early Start Indianapolis.
Students Attending Boiler Gold Rush
Students attending Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) or Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) that met the photo upload deadline listed in Orientation Programs communications will have their Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard distributed by Purdue Staff during check-in:
Students living in on-campus housing through University Residences (North Hall or Lux on Capitol) will receive their affiliate CrimsonCard during their residence check-in.
Students not living in on-campus housing through University Residences will receive their affiliate CrimsonCard at BGR central check-in.
Students attending Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) or Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) that did not meet the photo upload deadline listed in Orientation Programs communications should still follow instructions below, but will need to visit the CrimsonCard office to obtain their Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard.
Mail out is not available to students attending BGR/BGRi.
Students Not Attending Boiler Gold Rush
Students not attending Boiler Gold Rush or Boiler Gold Rush International (BGRi) can choose to have their Purdue University in Indianapolis Affiliate CrimsonCard available for in-person pick up at our CrimsonCard office or mailed directly to them. CrimsonCards that are mailed can take up to 3 weeks to be delivered.
**Important Note: Mail out is only available to those with an address within the United States. Students with an international address must pick up their affiliate CrimsonCard on campus.
Purdue University in Indianapolis Employees
You must be a current Purdue University in Indianapolis employee to upload your photo and receive an affiliate CrimsonCard.
Step 1 - Log into the myPurdue portal at https://wl.mypurdue.purdue.edu. Your IU ID and IU email is visible on the Purdue Indianapolis Info card. If the card is not visible, click 'Discover More' or select 'Discover' from the menu and search Purdue Indianapolis. Create your Indiana University username and passphrase following these instructions. This process can take up to 24 hours.
Step 2 - Take or find a picture that meets all the requirements.
Step 4 - Click 'Get a New Card' at the top of the page.
Step 5 - Select 'New Purdue University in Indianapolis Student or Employee' as your reason for needing a CrimsonCard.
Step 6 - If choosing pick up, select 'IU Indianapolis - Campus Center 205'as your location.
If choosing mail, provide your mailing address. It can take up to 3 weeks to receive your affiliate CrimsonCard. If you need it sooner, select pick up.
Step 7 - Check the 'Provide your photo' box and click 'Browse' to find and select your photo and make any adjustments. Check the box to confirm it meets all the requirements.
Step 8 - Click 'Continue'.
Step 9 - To verify your identity, take a photo of your driver's license, passport, military ID, state ID, or school ID, and upload it by clicking 'Browse'. It is recommended to mask sensitive information (SSN, driver's license number, etc.) before uploading the photo. Acceptable file type includes a .jpg. Maximum file size 1.5mb.
Step 10 - Click 'Submit'.
Step 11 (IMPORTANT STEP) - An email will be sent to your Indiana University email within 3 business days informing you that your photo and documentation were either approved or denied.
If approved, your affiliate CrimsonCard will be printed and mailed to the address provided or held for pick up during your next visit to campus.
If denied, resubmit a photo and documentation that meets the requirements.
If you choose not to resubmit a photo and documentation, you can have your picture taken in the CrimsonCard office (Campus Center 205) during your next visit to campus. Your card will be printed and given to you at that time. Remember to bring a photo ID.
Acquiring your Purdue University in Indianapolis affiliate CrimsonCard is a multi-step process. Below is the approximate time frame each step will take.
Step 1a - Log in to the Purdue portal to locate your IU 10-digit University ID number. Estimated Time: 2 minutes
Step 1b - Create your Indiana University username and passphrase. Estimated Time: Up tp 24 hours
Step 2 - Take or find a picture that meets all the requirements. Estimated Time: 5-20 minutes
Steps 4-7 - Select how you'd like to receive it, mail or pick up. *If attending Boiler Gold Rush and/or living on-campus, select pick up. Otherwise, you can choose either mail or pick up. Estimated Time: Mailing your Purdue University Affiliate CrimsonCard can take up to 3 weeks.
Steps 8-9 - Upload the photo of yourself Estimated Time: 2 minutes
Step 10-11 - Take photo and upload a photo of your driver's license, passport, military ID, state ID, or school ID. Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Step 12 - An email will be sent to your IU email informing you that your photo and documentation was either approved or denied. Estimated Time: An email will be sent within 3 days of submitting your photos.
Your photo MUST meet ALL the requirements below to be approved.
Background must be SOLID, smooth, and white, grey, or light in color.
Must be current (taken within the last 6 months).
Do not use any filters.
Must be forward-facing, head and top of the shoulders in the frame.
Your entire face must be visible. Please no hats, sunglasses, headphones, scarves, hairstyles etc. that obstruct your face. Religious head coverings are permitted.
Color photos only.
Photo must include only you - no pets, friends, props, etc.
Natural or neutral expression/smile
Photo must be a .jpg file format.
1.5 MB file size limit
If you are having difficulty uploading your photos, make both images (personal photo and documentation photo) smaller. If this does not work, try a different browser or device.
If you continue to experience difficulties, contact CrimsonCard at crimsoncard@iu.edu. You can also visit the CrimsonCard office (Campus Center 205) during your next time to campus and have your picture taken on-site. Please bring a photo ID with you at that time. Your affiliate CrimsonCard will be printed and given to you at that time.
You can choose to have your affiliate CrimsonCard mailed directly to you. It can take up to 3 weeks to receive it.
Please note this option is only available to those with an address within the United States. Employees with an international address can pick up their affiliate CrimsonCard on campus.
Yes! If you upload an approved photo and documentation verifying your identity, you have the option to pick up your affiliate CrimsonCard during your next visit to campus. The CrimsonCard office is located in room 205 of the Campus Center.
Yes! If you would like to have your photo taken in person, you can do so by visiting the CrimsonCard office located in the Campus Center room 205. Remember to bring a photo ID such as a driver's license, passport, state ID, or military ID. Your picture will be taken and you will receive your affiliate CrimsonCard at that time.
If you already have a current CrimsonCard, you are not required to get another one. Your CrimsonCard is valid for 6 years from the day it was printed.
If your CrimsonCard has a different campus printed on it, it will still work! If you would like to update it, visit the CrimsonCard office when convenient and bring your current CrimsonCard. An updated card will be printed and given to you at that time.
Using CrimsonCard to make purchases
CrimsonCash is money deposited into your CrimsonCash account. These funds can be used to make purchases anywhere CrimsonCash is accepted, both on- and off-campus. Every current student has a CrimsonCash account and can make deposits.
Benefits of using CrimsonCash:
Convenient access to funds
Can use funds at any IU campus
Make deposits as needed
Unused funds roll over year to year
The account cannot be overdrawn
Manage your account online, including deactivating a lost card
More secure than using cash
All students have a CrimsonCash account and can deposit funds (CrimsonCash) by logging into their CrimsonCash account. These deposits can be paid for using a debit/credit card.
Website Deposit - Available to anyone, deposits can be made from the CrimsonCard website using a debit/credit card or PayPal. A $2.50 fee applies to each deposit made.
Funds on your CrimsonCard can be used at over 150 locations statewide, both on- and off-campus.
You can manage your CrimsonCash account online at crimsoncard.iu.edu by clicking 'Manage My ID Card' and logging in with your username and passphrase.